1st ACM CHI Workshop on
Human-Notebook Interactions

May 11, 2024 at ACM CHI in Honolulu, Hawaii

Computational notebooks have become an ubiquitous medium for much data science work. At their best, computational notebooks acutalize Knuth's concept of literate programming with their ability to weave code, text, and outputs, such as visuals, into a computational narrative. These notebooks support incremental and iterative analysis, explanation of an analyst's thoughts and processes, and sharing of code, text, and visuals in one document.

However, notebook systems are in their infancy in terms of user interface and interaction design. Recent research describes several pain points users of computational notebooks have, including effectively managing more complex, non-linear data science and analysis workflows, messiness, version control, debugging issues, making the most of larger, widescreen displays, and more.

In this workshop, we seek to explore, catalogue, and innovate with respect to issues of user interface and interaction design of computational notebooks.

Call for Participation

Calling all computational notebook and literate programming researchers! We invite you to participate in a hybrid workshop at CHI aimed at bringing together researchers at the intersection of computational notebooks and HCI research, especially as it relates to interface and interaction design. We have multiple avenues for participation including papers, demonstrations, lightning talks, and attendance. To attend, please at a minimum fill out the form below with a position abstract related to computational notebooks and human-computer interaction. Position abstracts should be limited to 500 words, excluding references, and allow, but do not require, a lightning talk. Paper submissions should be of a length reflecting the contribution and in the ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article Template format. Demo submissions should include an online portal(s) (e.g. website, YouTube videos, etc.) showcasing what the submitter wishes to demonstrate. All submissions should be related to computational notebook research and computer-human interaction. Paper Submissions will be peer reviewed by a minimum of one organizer and two knowledgeable reviewers recruited by the organizers. Accepted papers and demos will be published on the workshop website. At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop, either in person or online. All participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.

Scope of Topics

This workshop's main themes are centered around the following questions:

  • How can we improve the accessibility of relevant properties of computational notebooks, such as kernel state, provenance, and more, through novel interface and interaction design?
  • How can we improve upon the Computational Notebook Metaphor for literate programming, such as with alternative structures that support non-linearity in analysis and narrative?
  • How can computational notebooks exploit recent technological advances, such as those in virtual and augmented reality, mobile devices, and artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT?
  • How can computational notebooks more effectively assist collaborative data science through methods such as best practices, novel interfaces and interactions?
  • What challenges and opportunities exist for computational notebook use in the wild?
  • How can we bridge the gap between computational notebook researchers, developers, and end users?
  • How can we better evaluate both the actual and the potential value of computational notebooks and innovations to and/or for them?

Important Dates

March 1, 2024: Paper, Position Abstracts, and Demos submission deadline

March 15, 2024 Paper, Position Abstracts, and Demos author notification

April 1, 2024: Paper camera-ready version deadline

Notice: all times are midnight Anywhere on Earth (AOE)

Program Schedule

Notice: all times are Hawaii Time (GMT-10)

Notice: Workshop will take place in the Hawaii Convention Center, Room 323C (https://programs.sigchi.org/chi/2024/maps/10274?roomName=323C)


Introduction and Welcome


SAGE3 Tutorial and Exercise


Papers with Demo Presentations

Towards Accessible, Flexible and Collaborative Scientific Modeling with Terarium

Output-Oriented Notebooks: Facilitating Rapid Exploration while Supporting Reproducibility


Morning Coffee Break


Paper Presentations

Explainability in JupyterLab and Beyond: Interactive XAI Systems for Integrated and Collaborative Workflows

Facilitating Mixed-Methods Analysis with Computational Notebooks

From Computational to Conversational Notebooks

Untangling Knots: Leveraging LLM for Error Resolution in Computational Notebooks

KiwiNotebook: Interactive Computational Notebook Enhanced by Retrieval-Augmented Language Models


Lunch Break


Demo Presentations

Roderick Tabalbar: SAGECells

Richard Lee Davis: JupyterLab Unianalytics

Sungwon In: Immersive Computational Notebooks

Trevor Manz: Anywidget

Xiaofei Zhou: K-12 ML Science Notebook Platform

Jesse Harden: 2D Jupyter


Afternoon Coffee Break

Go see Demos!


Group Discussion: Setting HNI Research Agenda


Closing Comments and Wrap-up


Submissions can be made by filling out the form at https://forms.gle/Peb21hBbvxeVYsU56.


Jesse Harden Virginia Tech

Rebecca Faust Tulane University

Katherine E. Isaacs University of Utah

Nurit Kirshenbaum University of Hawaii at Manoa

Chris North Virginia Tech

April Wang ETH Zurich

John Wenskovitch Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Jian Zhao University of Waterloo

To contact the organizers, please email us at humannotebookinteractions@gmail.com

Program Committee